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Keyhole - the key to service connections

Connections to properties are often associated with traffic hold-ups and extensive surface repairs. This does not have to be the case! With the keyhole technique from Tracto-Technik, gas, water and FTTH connections to properties are laid from the main in the street right up to the property. This is carried out using a borehole of just 650mm diameter. After removing the road surface, a suction excavator carefully sucks the keyhole free as far down as the main. All the work necessary for laying the cable or pipe is carried out from the surface, as is the operation of the drilled borehole from the keyhole to the property.

The advantages of the keyhole method are obvious. Freshly laid road surfaces are not dug up. The circular hole has no stress effect on the supporting capability of the soil and the surrounding road surface.

Technical data
Core drill


650 mm



550 mm

max. drilling depth


350 kg


Susan Motzkus Foto
Susan Motzkus
Partner Heitmann-ME L.L.C.
Fon + 971 2 54 400 2974
Fax +971 2 55144 50