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Pipe refurbishment

Different refurbishment or repair methods are used to guarantee the operational safety of gas pipes, The pipe has to be exposed a section at a time without damage. The powerful ESE 32 suction excavator enables the damaged area to be accessed quickly and safely. A suction force is applied in the area to be renovated in order to suck out deposits inside the pipe before renovation is carried out using a patented method.


Pipe refurbishment

Different refurbishment or repair methods are used to guarantee the operational safety of gas pipes, The pipe has to be exposed a section at a time without damage. The powerful ESE 32 suction excavator enables the damaged area to be accessed quickly and safely. A suction force is applied in the area to be renovated in order to suck out deposits inside the pipe before renovation is carried out using a patented method.

Susan Motzkus Foto
Susan Motzkus
Partner Heitmann-ME L.L.C.
Fon + 971 2 54 400 2974
Fax +971 2 55144 50